Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Nassau County's Strict DWI laws

Did you know that Nassau County can start a court action to seize your vehicle? Have you already been notified by the county?

Did you know that a drunk driving conviction could result in a civil judgment against you that can impact your credit?

We know it doesn’t seem fair that they can try to take your car. You can defend against it.  You need to know your rights, or find someone who does. For our article

Apparently Nassau county is allowing court action to have your vehicle taken from you in the event that you get a DWI/DUI.  The law firm in the article is advertising their services by highlighting ways to get around this new strict law. In my opinion, the DWI laws are strict enough. They already cost people thousands and thousands of dollars for what is sometimes a small error on judgement. Not that driving drunk is not a serious crime and should not be punished. Many people die at the hands of drunk drivers. However, taking away someone's vehicle will just cause more problems. If the person drives to work, how are they expected to continue making a living? What if they have kids who depend on them for rides to school, activities, etc?

Austin Law Associates

Serving Nassau, Suffolk, & 5 Boroughs, Stuart Austin & Associates represent clients with issues ranging from Traffic Violations to DWI to defenses of a criminal nature. This practice provides compassionate and personal criminal defense as well as 24/7 Free Consultation! These consults are available by either providing basic information and then being contacted by this firm or by calling the number provided on the site!

When dealing with the tough legal system in New York State, an experienced and dedicated attorney is what you need on your side. This legal team has many years experience and has represented clients with a wide range of circumstances and they are ready to handle your case! Visit or call them directly at 516.858.0075 to start resolving your legal issues today!